Monday, April 18, 2011

DeWollf- "Orchards/Lupine" (2011)

When I first heard this album, before I even saw the album art, I thought it sounded like music from the devil in a three-piece suit. The music is a refreshing take on 60s and 70s psychedelic rock, but with a little more of a blues sensibility. The guitars are gritty and muddy, and sound as though they were from the backwoods of the American south... but it all came to fruition in the Netherlands. Despite the dirty blues feel, there's a noticeable class to the music. So classy in fact, that I can picture this music being played in either a gritty southern blues club, or even a slick Vegas cocktail lounge. There's even an almost sinister feel to the music, like the Devil himself were fronting the band, wailing away the soulful (or soulless?) vocals, and grinning all the while. The album really shines with the tracks "The Pistol" and the menacing "Pick Your Bones Out of the Water". Pick this one up.

 Get it here:

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